Hi I'm Deven!

I Help People Maximize Their
  • Influence
  • impact
  • & income
With Their Story

Services I offer

I'm really good at this stuff

Motivational Speaking

As a speaker, I am passionate about delivering engaging, entertaining, and life-changing presentations through captivating storytelling that will influence any audience to take immediate action on their lives!

Storytelling Coaching

Through both 1-on-1 and group coaching settings, what I do is simple: I equip people with the tools that will enable them to increase their Impact, Influence, and Income through transformative storytelling and communication. 

About Me

Motivational Speaker, Professional Coach (CPC), Army Officer, Ultramarathon runner

My childhood was hell. Growing up, I faced adversity after adversity, and I came to hate the person I was. Looking in the mirror became dreadful. Things persisted until I made a decision: I’m done allowing other people to determine my fututre for me, and I am done being mediocre! Upon making this decision…

Speaking Life & Hope Into The World

Why I Speak

I became a motivational speaker because I was once the “reject” who nobody wanted anything to do with. I speak because I once felt lost in life with nowhere to go. I speak because I once felt like I was destined for mediocrity. Most importantly, I speak because I overcame it all and am creating the future I desire, and I’m here to share with you how you could do the same!

My mission as a motivational speaker goes much deeper than just to relaying information to an audience. My mission is to SPEAK LIFE! That is what I was called to do! The way in which I speak life to audiences is by delivering life-changing and  powerful points through the use of captivating storytelling that enrolls an audience in my story, where they come to see themselves as the hero in my story, which will transform their personal story and give them the motivation to take immediate action and change their

Topics I speak About

We've all heard that "mindset is everything," yet we are not always told how to develop a winner's mindset in order to achieve the things we desire in life. I provide the audience with specific, tangible, and concreate steps to develop an unbeatable mindset that will set them free!

In this presentation, I teach an audience how to truly create and live the future they desire by developing a compelling life vision rooted in their principles, virtues, and values.

Overcoming has been a consistent theme in my life. Adversity stared me in the face every single day for years, yet I was able to conquer it and turned it all into my biggest blessing! I teach audiences how to overcome their traumas and adversities and turn them into their superpowers!

Not only do I speak... But I also help you learn how to use your story to change the world!

"If you are thinking of a speaker who is knowledgable, does his homework, and is impactful, look no further than Deven Rodriguez!"

-Les Brown, #1 Motivational Speaker in the world

Choose What Works Best For you

Group Coaching

  • Weekly LIVE Masterclasses, Workshops, Live Coaching

  • An Active and Collaborative Online Community

  • Specially curated assignments, worksheets, workbooks, and more!

1-On-1 Exclusive Coaching

  • Weekly 1-on-1 intensive coaching calls

  • Individualized Coaching Plan Focused on YOUR specific Goals

  • Step-by-step support that clearly outlines the roadmap to your goals!

Changing Lives since


Storytelling & Speaking Coaching & Training

I am a Certified Professional Life and leadership  Coach, having graduated from the Academy of Creative Coaching. However, upon being coached personally by the World Renowned Motivational Speaker, Les Brown, I saw how his coaching radically changed my ability to speak and communicate. I became more impactful and influential AND dramatically increased my income because of my ability to tell captivating stories and hold any audience’s attention. 

Once I saw the impact this had on me, I made it my mission to have this impact on others! Now, I  train dozens of aspiring speakers on how to use the power of their voice to change their audience’s lives while also transforming their own life!

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